The Pine View vision is well short of 20/20

This designation does not give us the ability to restrict anything.
— Steve Cantees, SCSB meeting 5/3/2016

Dear Pine View community,

During the month of January, Dr. Covert and Mr. Cantees will present a "new vision" for Pine View to the Sarasota County School Board. It will forever impact every Pine View student from 8th grade down regarding high school graduation requirements. It will create a "plan" under the "magnet school" designation, which many feel is not really in students’ best interest; it is simply a guaranteed income stream for Pine View and the District.

Currently, Pine View students are able to craft their own plan for graduation and it can consist of DE (dual enrollment), FLVS (online classes), and classes on the Pine View campus. Going forward, under the guise of a committee (we maintain without real stakeholder input) this plan will limit and control classes to be taken exclusively on Pine View’s campus of AP (Advanced Placement) courses delivered by "gifted certified teachers.”

The committee has some legitimacy issues

The committee members were not able to speak freely as most were district employees. There were not people with differing opinions reaching consensus. There was not actual data used to make decisions. Further, the committee was biased towards gifted certified teachers, preferring them to even actual college professors who may not be gifted certified, hence the rationale to limit/deny DE classes. For the record, even Pine View teachers are not all gifted certified (10-20% annually are not gifted certified). Also, there is no evidence or data to support the educational outcomes delivered by gifted certified teachers vs. highly qualified teachers who do not have a gifted certification.

Why this limits and denies opportunities for Pine View students

First of all, many sections of AP classes delivered by effective teachers are capped for enrollment, therefore, the same options are not offered to all students, which is why many in the Pine View community feel other options are critical.

Secondly, if this was really in students’ best interest, authentic data, (actual AP data of grades and pass rates for tests) for all teachers at Pine View would be publicly posted and viewed prior to this big change. That didn't happen. Instead a control group of mostly employees was convened to create a predetermined plan for students - the "new vision" is really a money grab.

Here’s the deal

AP courses bring money in. Options for students are costs to the district. High school teachers have gone so far as to tell students this. However, official statements frame these new changes to be in the interest of the "integrity of the diploma." If that was true, again, real data would have been available.

The bottom line is the district is using gifted kids to generate further income and if you don't happen to like it, then you can go to your district school. It's a win win for the Sarasota County School DIstrict. Really smart kids will help the other schools maintain A ratings, and the gifted school will guarantee more money, and have less expense.

Pine View students will not be afforded the same opportunities as all other district high school students.

Pine View students will no longer be able to get their A.A. (Associate in Arts) degree concurrently with their Pine View diploma, while all other district high school students can.

Approximately half of Pine View’s graduates attend Florida’s state colleges and universities. Pine View students are competing (nationally) for seats with all other high school students.

While some administrators at Pine View and in the district boast about the power of AP courses, what you need to know is that increasingly, colleges and universities are no longer accepting AP classes for college credit! (DE classes are accepted at all Florida colleges and universities).

This change certainly makes the “new vision” already antiquated and definitely not forward-looking into the next 50 years!

Finally, the National Association of Gifted Children advises that the limitations of AP coursework mean that districts must offer additional curriculum options to be considered as having gifted and talented services.

NAGC recommends

FLVS and DE classes are your right, unless you go to a magnet school

Information on Virtual School Choice Options for Florida Students

Virtual Education Choices FLDOE

Deep Dive: More research regarding the adequacy of AP instruction for gifted students is below.

Myth 19: Is Advanced Placement an Adequate Program for Gifted Students?

The Efficacy of Advanced Placement Programs For Gifted Students

Research on the Academic Benefits of the Advanced Placement Program: Taking Stock and Looking Forward

It’s not the easiest thing to do, but if you want to keep options open for your children, the time to speak up is now.

For further information please see our blog.

Please attend the school board meeting at 6:30pm on Thursday, January 9th or at 3:00pm on Tuesday, January 21st, and most importantly,

Speak during the three minutes allowed at public comment to express your views.

Thank you.

Pine View adopts new vision without real stakeholder input


The vision committee roster proves to be almost entirely made up of employees of either Pine View or the district.

Background: A committee was tasked to determine a vision for Pine View school and what a Pine View diploma truly means. The administration would like you to believe the #1 ranked school with a 50 year history of excellence needs a “vision.” Throughout Pine View’s history, students have been allowed to take classes off Pine View’s campus to support their academic progression. This vision will now remove these opportunities.

The reality is, this new “vision” is all about money and preventing students from having educational options to fit their unique needs.

(DE courses are an expense, as opposed to AP courses which are fully funded by the state.)

If your student is in 8th grade or below, they will only be able to take classes offered on the Pine View campus. Historically, Pine View students, like all other district high school students, have been able to take classes at SCF as well as online. This new "vision” severely limits and denies opportunities for our students.

Example how this might impact a student at Pine View: Joe Student is currently an eighth grader at Pine View school. He is hoping to go to Florida State University where his older brother currently attends. His older brother just graduated from Pine View this year concurrently with his Associate in the Arts degree from SCF. Because of this, Joe's brother was able to transfer to FSU as a junior and saved $42,000 and two years of college time! Joe took the SAT this past year and since his scores are good for two years, Joe can take college-level classes because of his college eligible test scores. Since this school year is underway, Joe is hoping to take dual enrollment classes and online classes next year since he is proficient in the areas of math, science, and language arts.

If this "vision" is allowed at Pine View, Joe will not be allowed to take any classes that are not on Pine View's campus during the normal school day because he wants to stay at Pine View and continue to learn among the same gifted peers that he has been with since since he starred as Elvis in third grade in the annual production of "Third Grade Rocks!"

We requested a list of the members of the “vision committee” steering group. What we found is astounding for its obvious inherent bias and lack of genuine stakeholder input. Of the 27 people on the committee, only 5 are not employed by the district or Pine View School. Two are students and the other 3 are parents. (The facilitator is not an employee of either to our knowledge, but we assume he is being paid for his services).

We wish there had been a real attempt at stakeholder input. Best practices in visioning strategies stress early and continuous public involvement in the process.

We believe this process is flawed.

  1. Over 80% of the committee responsible for the vision setting of the #1 school in the state with a national reputation for excellence, are employed by the district or the school;

  2. There has been no genuine call for participation from parents, alumni, founders of the school, legacy teachers or national experts on gifted education into the visioning process;

  3. There was no request to stakeholders to participate on the committee; the meeting dates and times were not noticed to the public; the work of the committee has not been done in the sunshine;

  4. There has been a recent historical pattern in our district to limit and deny educational choices to families and students;

  5. Previous climate surveys, completed by parents, teachers and students of Pine View school show withering criticism for the lack of communication and transparency by the administration, most notably, the principal.


Vision change without input from community = pulling a fast one

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Dear Dr. Covert,
Congratulations on Pine View School being ranked #1 in elementary, middle, and high schools at!
Given this award, our historic 50 years as a full-time gifted school, our record of incredible student successes, and our well-known tradition of excellence, please share the following:

1.) Who tasked Pine View to create a vision, something new that has never been done before to change Pine View's goals and new graduation expectations?
2.) How were committee members chosen to help create this new vision?
3.) What is the school board policy that states that a school is allowed to change their own school's goals and graduation requirements?
4.) When exactly (date, time, and room number) is the next meeting of this committee, tasked with changing Pine View's future?
5.) Will these proposed changes to Pine View School's future be brought before the school board for ratification, and if so, when exactly will this take place?

Finally, why would anyone change the goals of a #1 ranked school?

USF Dual Enrollment is a win for students!

Fall 2019 deadline is 6/20

We are thrilled to learn that USF’s dual enrollment program with Sarasota County is a win for students. Here are the details:

The new agreement:

  • Removes the requirement for specific high school courses.

  • Removes the requirement for a specific number of particular high school courses (i.e. 2 English, 2 mathematics, 1 Science with lab)

  • Points students to the “Counseling for Future Education Handbook” which is a document published annually by DOE to identify the courses that will be accepted by State University admission. Students will still need to have at least one high school course in mathematics, English, social studies, science, or a foreign language to establish a GPA.

  • Adds language that gives the University coordinator the ability to waive requirements if other “satisfactory documentation of college readiness” exists or if a student has “demonstrated ability to master advanced courses.”

  • Deadline for application has been extended to June 20.

We feel this is a terrific, student friendly agreement that will benefit those students who are college ready. Thanks to USF for following the spirit of the dual enrollment statute and for making college accessible to eligible students.

Report card of Florida’s DE eligibility by county/college.

How many hoops?

It depends where you live.

Here’s our dual enrollment eligibility report card showing which counties most closely adhere to the spirit of Florida statute in allowing students in grades 6-12 to take DE courses.

There is a surprising amount of variability between counties’ DE requirements. We have color coded the report card green for counties following statute, yellow for those that add hurdles and make it more difficult for students to take DE courses, and pink for those counties which add unreasonable requirements, and which in our opinion are limiting and denying these students access to DE courses.

From the report card, a student’s access to DE courses is based more on where they live, rather than their actual college readiness.

We think that’s wrong. Florida statute couldn’t be more clear. Students in grades 6-12 who meet the eligibility criteria must be allowed to participate.

Per Section 1007.271(3), F.S.:

Any additional eligibility requirements or limits on dual enrollment participation based on grade levels must be only to ensure college readiness and not to arbitrarily prohibit students who have demonstrated the ability to master advanced courses from participation.

Unfortunately that is exactly what is being done in several Florida counties, including Sarasota. Rather than adhering to the spirit and letter of the law, some counties are creating excessive hurdles to keep students from being able to take DE courses. Some of their favorite tactics: make students take as many as 7 high school classes, limit eligibility to just 9-12 graders, and require a higher GPA than recommended by Florida law.

Why all the effort to keep students from taking DE classes if they are college ready? After all, there are no restrictions for AP courses. Florida ranks 3rd in the nation for “student AP success.”

Not so secret reason - $$$$

We believe some counties are unfairly restricting DE courses due to money. DE course fees are paid by each district to the college/university with whom they have an articulation agreement. AP courses on the other hand, are paid for by the state. In fact, districts receive incentive funding for each AP course taught and bonuses for teachers and the district if the student passes their AP exam with a score of 3 or above.

Be skeptical when you hear district and school officials spin how they offer more DE courses than ever before. That may be the case, but if the eligibility requirements are so onerous - such as only being allowed to take 1 course per semester or only after taking 7 high school classes, you can see for yourself it’s just window dressing.

Imagine holding back a promising musician, actor or athlete based on their grade or age. It just isn’t done. Students who are ready for the next level should be treated accordingly..

If your student is being denied access to DE or other courses, please reach out to us. We may be able to help.

Confused as you try to help your student register for classes at Pine View?

Was your child told they were creating a possible "Pine View" cohort for online classes like geometry through SVA (Sarasota Virtual Academy)?

Did your child sign up for an online class and you thought it was through FLVS (Virtual school) but it turns out that the school registered your child through Sarasota Virtual Academy?

You are not alone.

You have the right to choose when your child begins an online class, which online provider teaches your child (FLVS -vs- SVA -vs. any other online program, of which there are many choices)!

If the guidance department is telling you to wait, to take the class through SVA to "keep it local", or discouraging your child from learning from non-gifted programs, you need to know that these are the tactics the district has used FOR YEARS to keep the money in the district, all at the expense of your child's education. You know your child best. Your teachers know your child's capabilities to a large extent, but even they are influenced by the very people who create their paychecks that pay their mortgages. YOU are your child's best advocate. If something doesn't sound right, it probably isn't.

Lack of district accountability from a parent's perspective


This parent's outrage concerning the elimination of dual enrollment at Pine View and the subsequent lack of accountability is us all.

Subject: RE: Restore DE at Pine View school
Date: Sun, August 12, 2018 6:35 pm
To: "'Covert Stephen'" <>,
<>, <>
Dear Dr. Covert (and School Board Members),

Thank you, sincerely, for your response to my recent written concerns around dual enrollment (DE) at Pine View (PV) and issues around Mrs. Allen’s role and impact on teacher evaluation at PV.  I believe that only an open dialogue and transparency between Pine View’s administration, the school board, parents, and students, can these issues be successfully addressed and the goal of providing the best possible education for the students be achieved.   I apologize for my slow response to Dr. Covert’s email. I have been out of the state on vacation and I apologize for the lengthy response below but have tried to lay it all out by topic to be easier to digest.

Let me first address the SCF / DE issue:

This is Dr. Covert’s statement:

Our students at Pine View have access to Dual Enrollment (DE) programs, as well as Advanced Placement (AP) courses through the College Board on our campus.  There are also opportunities for students to take courses on the campus of State College of Florida (SCF), as well as virtual courses at the University of Florida (UF) and the University of South Florida (USF).  When SCF made their decision to offer the majority of their DE program offerings at their SCF campus or virtually, over 80% of the impacted students at Pine View in the mathematics area chose to stay on our Pine View campus and take highly-rigorous courses with our PV, gifted-endorsed faculty.  Far more than half of the students in the English-Language Arts (ELA) area chose a highly-rigorous option with our PV faculty, as well.  In addition, Pine View will continue to offer some DE courses on our campus.  I cannot speak to SCF's motives or rationale other than reiterating what Mr. Cantees shared at the public forum held with parents, and the letter I sent home with students.

Dr. Covert doesn’t address the issue at hand around DE – specifically that SCF made the decision to eliminate DE at PV in Nov 2018 and notified PV in February of 2018.  

  • This was not communicated to parents or students at PV until May 2018 - AFTER students had completed fall class registration (over 200 students enrolled in classes with pine view knowing that they would not be available)
  • No reason for the end of DE was given to parents / students and in his statement above Dr. Covert claims to not know SCF’s  motives or rationale but this information was given to PV and the Board in February
  • SCF has clearly stated their reasons for ending the program, none of which reflect Dr. Covert’s claim that students preferred to take the classes offered on campus with PV faculty
    • The reasons, obtained by concerned parties through the Freedom of Information act come from the SCSB and SCF itself and detail a disturbing lack of accountability on the part of Pine View School as one of the main reasons, specifically the 2016 Climate Survey results showing an alarming lack of faith in the Principal and both the Principal’s and District’s unwillingness to address the grievances (more on the Climate survey results later). 
    • Issues with the inaccuracy of PV transcripts was also cited by SCF as a reason (academic integrity was not a given) and although addressed by the district and PV, it leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouth that no third party was brought to examine the issue and confirm that trust with transcripts can be re-established in good faith

Action needed: DE is a long-standing tradition at PV and one that serves the special needs of the advanced students who need a broader continuum of choices to reach as far as they wish to go in their academic areas of interest. DE is also a ‘right’ of students in the District and both Dr. Covertand the Board should take decisive action to address the reasons for SCF’s withdrawal and ensure that full access is reinstated. If it cannot be reinstated, Dr. Covert needs to be transparent with the student body and the parents ASAP about why DE was pulled from PV and what steps he is taking to reinstate it.

I want to call out a couple of other things from Dr. Covert’s statement about the academic opportunities at PV, specifically access to FLVS

  • PV staff is continually and consistently refusing access for students to FLVS despite the Chancellor’s letter of a few years ago, stating that no student can be refused FLVS except if the student attends a magnet / or special focus school.  This is causing a lot of stress and upset among students and parents, who FIRST have to know someone like me who knows their rights and can forward the Chancellor’s letter to them, SECOND have to go around the school to sign their students up for FLVS rather than follow the protocol and advice of school staff (who should be there to facilitate student’s academic needs, rather than the Principal’s efforts to stop FLVS enrollment). This practice is producing a great deal of dissatisfaction with parents and students at PV and shouldn’t even be an issue

Action needed: PV and the Board should be providing accurate and truthful information about student access to FLVS to every PV student and their parents

The Climate Survey – let’s go back to that, because it’s the elephant in the room that Dr. Covert never addresses.

He says….Notwithstanding these very positive trends in objective measures of success and achievement, there are always areas for improvement, and Pine View has a School Climate Committee which analyzes climate surveys and makes recommendations to administration which we review with Mr. Cantees at least semi-annually.  We have been sincerely responsive to the recommendations, and have implemented their suggestions.  If you have suggestions, we welcome those, as well, REDACTED.

our School Improvement Plan (SIP) is developed annually and approved by the School Advisory Committee (SAC), and they will be reviewing and analyzing these data in depth, and making recommendations on areas and opportunities for growth

I am completely unaware of any School Climate Committee or of their activities and have had children at the school, served on various committees, was a member of SAC for two years, am a regular reader of the Pine Views, receive Remind messages, etc. I have NEVER heard of it.  I am also shocked to hear such a committee exists and given Dr. Covert’s comments around the climate survey in the past, suspicious of who is on the committee, whether it includes all relevant stakeholders (faculty, staff, parents, and students) and what actions this committee has actually taken, as the Climate Survey results continue to be extremely poor. Dr. Covert has twice dismissed out of hand in my presence (at a SAC meeting and in an email) Climate Survey results as being only those teachers / staff / parents / students who are disgruntled and a small sample (he actually gave a memorable and disturbing quote to this effect to the Sarasota Herald Tribune after the first poor showing).  The Board and District have also been turning a blind eye to the Climate Survey results for PV. The scathing results from the staff / teachers at PV toward their ‘boss’ in that survey show a massive problem encompassing communication, expectations, trust, etc. and are only solidified / verified by the roughly 30 staff / teachers who left PV during or after the 2016-2017 school year.  And the survey results cannot be dismissed as a small and only disgruntled sample, unless you want to apply the same logic to the climate surveys for other high schools, which are vastly more positive.

  • I served on SAC for two years and despite SAC’s clear mandate to help with addressing any school improvement issues, the issues on the Climate Survey were never once discussed (I was told it was not the appropriate setting)
  • SAC is charged by the District with preparing the annual SIP.  In only a couple of meetings did we even discuss the SIP and only at a level of who was completing what and when (Covert’s staff were in charge of every word and action). A few parents, including myself, raised issues around how the standard measurements for the District are not wholly applicable to the PV student body, as PV students perform well on all measures (as expected).  We proposed having a look at any of the students at PV who were performing at a lower level (e.g., a 3 on the FSA vs. 4s and 5s) in an effort to identify if there was a means of helping them improve their scores.  Dr. Covert did not stand in the way of these efforts but as I recall, almost never spoke in the SAC meetings other than to talk about current events, activities, awards, etc, which is what we spent most of our time on, never getting to the SIP. We were also left, as interested parents, to chase down the raw data for our school on FSA
  • Dr.  Covert may point to Town Hall meetings at PV as giving stakeholders an opportunity to address these concerns in an open forum but NONE of the scheduled forums had the Climate Survey, staff complaints, or the related issues (teacher / staff exodus, teachers bullying students, etc) as set topics.  As a personal note – I am an involved parent, with a desire for school excellence, which I believe starts at the top and nurtures excellence among staff and students but NONE of the Town Hall topics were even remotely related to any issue that I view  as a pressing problem at PV. You’d think there would be ONE but transparency is a BIG issue with this administration
    • The only Town hall I could document was the very first on March 2017: Construction project; I could not find any other PV Town Halls in any Pine View Schedule or via Remind held since then but I think there was probably another and I vaguely recall it might have had to do with STEM
  • The impact on the students and the PV community from the dissatisfaction shown on the Climate Survey (and in the mass faculty/ staff exit) that I’ve seen / heard about include: loss of very experienced and strong teachers in key subjects, students hearing the complaints of disgruntled teachers during class time, unhappy and stressed out teachers being mentally disconnected as they consider their option to stay or go, stressed out teachers taking out their unhappiness on students, an influx of newly hired faculty who do not have the skill or ability to teach the courses they are assigned, stressed out APs charged with evaluating teachers who are already at the end of their ropes, good teachers being harassed by APs, a decline in the sense of community and camaraderie among and between students as well as between students and staff (evidenced in a number of ways), a dire need for instruction through another avenue (FLVS)

Action needed: The Board needs to demand that Dr. Covert take swift and decisive action to identify the source(s) of faculty/staff dissatisfaction and lack of faith and convene a committee that involves representatives from all stakeholders, including faculty, staff, parents, and students.  From there, I would expect Dr. Covert to again, take action that would have a high likelihood of improving the work conditions and satisfaction of PV faculty in the short term – address the big negatives FIRST; work toward rebuilding trust, communication, and community where everyone (including students and parents) is on the same ‘side’. The other option for the board is to consider replacing Dr. Covert, which should be on the table if the aforementioned action is not taken. All actions taken in response to the Climate Survey should be out in the open and transparent for all stakeholders. The Climate Survey results are out in the open, so the response also needs to be.

Let’s talk more about the information flow and what Mrs. Allen is up to or how the admin is evaluating teachers. Dr. Covert says…

I appreciate Ms. Brown responding to your email, and I am happy to share information with you.  Unfortunately, you have some incorrect information in your email, so I am very pleased to have the opportunity to share accurate information with you.  If someone has told you something that sounds concerning or a rumor you may hear, please know that we are only a phone call or an in-person visit away, and we are more than happy to provide you with correct information.  We want correct and accurate information to be shared among and with parents, and is a major reason why we collaborate with PVA for the monthly Town Hall meetings, as well as sending messages, PVA's Pine Views, and letters from the school.  I believe Pine View School is the most active school using Remind.comin the district to share information with parents and community members.

I appreciate your sharing your concern related to Ms. Allen and her doctoral studies.  Ms. Allen is the assistant principal for curriculum and is a student in a doctoral program for education.  She takes classes and studies for her program outside of school hours, does not do any of the required work during her duty day at Pine View, and it does not conflict with her work with teachers at Pine View in any way.  She is not conducting or participating in any research studies whatsoever, and has not solicited or invited anyone to participate in any research study.  Ms. Allen has evaluated teachers solely based on the district-approved evaluation instrument.  If you have information to share which suggests otherwise, I would very much appreciate your sharing that with us so that it can be investigated.

The constant flow of teachers leaving Pine View is damaging the school – obviously the morale and satisfaction of teachers but also the morale and ‘community’ among the students. Dr. Covert wants to tout PV’s ‘gifted-endorsed faculty’ but a gifted endorsement alone does not an excellent teacher make and PV cannot hold onto excellent faculty. 

  • Dr. Covert can point to all of the awards and accolades of the student body BUT HE CANNOT TAKE ANY CREDIT FOR IT. There is no evidence that the teachers have done anything to improve student performance at PV.  In fact, credit probably needs to be given to the instruction that more and more students are opting for through FLVS or because more parents are hiring tutors for students and those tutors are sometimes former great PV faculty.  Most likely, the credit belongs to the students themselves. These students have tested gifted and perform as gifted learners on every test, assessment, academic opportunity you throw at them. The students make PV what it is but it is getting harder to ensure a smooth journey toward success
    • Great teachers have left – leaders of curriculum in critical subjects like math, science, language – and been replaced by people with a lot less experience and ability
    • Students are opting to avoid certain teachers  / courses by taking them on FLVS. Despite the school’s effort to curb use of FLVS, I would venture to say enrollment has gone up dramatically (I would actually love to see the numbers on that, being the REDACTED I am)
    • Students are avoiding the bad teachers (who are becoming more difficult to dodge) by requesting another option if possible (I’ll bet the amount of teacher switching at middle and high school levels has also gone up dramatically at PV in the last few years)
    • Students themselves are communicating with each other and parents around who the bad teachers are, how they are bad, and even starting petitions to get rid of some.  The students talk to parents and the parents then become involved in trying to remedy the situation for their child but most don’t have the time or energy to help remedy the problem for the student body on the whole
    • Parents are hiring more tutors – I have been lucky enough to hire two past math teachers, each heads of their subjects, as tutors for my CHILD. Both left PV not because they wanted to or even because of the drop program but because of the stress and problems brought on by Dr. Covert’s leadership

Action needed: Address the issues in the Climate Survey to encourage the retention of experienced and high quality teachers and ensure that high quality teachers are interested in taking open positions at PV – unless and until this is addressed, I would expect the same downward turn in instructional quality and high demand for FLVS, etc

  • On the Mrs. Allen issue…the admin, as far as I can see (and the climate survey and turnover indicates) does NOTHING to nurture and support the excellent teachers who are left and they are speaking out in frustration TO STUDENTS and PARENTS about their frustration with the admin. That’s how it gets to parents and becomes what Dr. Covert is calling ‘incorrect information’ or ‘rumor’ about the parameters upon which they are being evaluated and those parameters being tied to Mrs. Allen’s dissertation. I guess the issue is, if you don’t look, you choose to deny, avoid, and bury issues (CLIMATE SURVEY), the issues do not go away. They start to bubble up everywhere.  It’s the Principal’s job to investigate.  I am realizing that the teachers do not talk to him or the APs directly about anything of substance / complaints because NOTHING happens or improves for them and they put themselves at risk of losing their jobs.  
    • If staff are being evaluated based on a district-approved evaluation instrument, my next question is going to be…is Mrs. Allen using the results of the findings from this instrument in her dissertation in any way, shape or form? I think Dr. Covert had better find out.  
    • If the evaluation instrument includes teachers conducting ‘team building activities’ and writing their daily curriculum on the board, Dr. Covert should be working with the District to address how relevant this is for the students at Pine View. PV students SHOULD be exposed to a curriculum designed specifically for gifted students and therefore the standard device for measurement and evaluation of teachers is not likely to be applicable. I do not have any evidence, however, that Dr. Covert understands or is interested in the research around gifted learning. I’ve never heard him speak about the student body at PV as needing any specialized approach to learning but if you are familiar with the research, they do and it should be incorporated into how teachers are evaluated. Dr. Covert touts the gifted-certifications of his teachers but if he’s subjecting them to standard non-gifted criteria for evaluation, then something is very amiss.

Actions needed:

  • Dr. Covert the Board / District need to begin addressing the Climate Survey in earnest, including some means by which teachers have the ability to express their specific areas of dissatisfaction to their administrators without repercussion
  • Start conducting exit surveys with a sample of those who leave every year to find out the cause and their suggestions for improving the satisfaction of faculty and staff
  • Put the issue on the agenda for SAC and tap the parents, students, and teachers who have the will and energy make steps toward improving the ‘climate’ and operational health of the school. 
  • Instruct Mrs. Allen to undertake an exploration of the available research on gifted learning / curriculum and develop a proposal to the Principal, the Board / District, and ALL RELEVANT STAKEHOLDERS around core elements of gifted learning that might be appropriate to integrate into PV’s curriculum and ultimately inform faculty evaluations that are relevant to this special population of students 

On the issue of test results and school performance, Dr. Covert brings up the Magnet school ranking

This year, Pine View was ranked as the #6 Magnet School in the United States- something it has never done before. 

  • The only reason the magnet ranking ‘has never been done before’ is because this was the first year the school could be entered as a magnet school. Unfortunately, in the national ranking, PV dropped to #19,  - I know in 2013 it was #5 and 2014 it was #6 – I could not find the other years in a brief search but did not see it among the top 10 in 2015 or 2016.
  • The magnet designation was a concern for parents – one they brought before the board, I believe. It was done without any clear reasoning or purpose, and though the box was checked to make PV a magnet school, it does not appear to fit the definition of a magnet school.  This leads me to wonder…
    • Was it done so that PV could officially deny students access to FLVS?
    • Was it because the school has been dropping in rankings since 2014 and this would give it a smaller playing field and make it more competitive? This one really gives me pause because Dr. Covert didn’t even mention the overall National ranking in his comments with all of those other achievements
    • The ranking process / methodology is probably not without its flaws and as a REDACTED I know how small things can change a statistical outcome but if the magnet designation was in direct response to changes in how schools were being nationally ranked by US News or Newsweek, the Principal and Board need to be transparent about it. Instead, the actions have and are being taken in the dark, without stakeholder input or real answers, and that just naturally breeds suspicion – and dissatisfaction!!

Action needed: Communicate with your stakeholders on decisions that impact the educational choices of students, how the school is measured against other U.S. high schools, etc etc. Transparency, transparency, transparency

As far as the other achievements Dr. Covert listed, you can see my comments above about the students deserving credit. The students, their parents, and the remaining strong faculty are making a way through to success but often seem to have to do it on crutches or without certainty, or having to jump through numerous hoops because of the lack of transparency and support from the Principal. They also just don’t tell the whole story of what’s going on at the school. Statistics never do and they don’t even tell the whole story of how those scores are derived – I’ve heard enough to know how some school-related stats are manipulated and have enough experience with statistics to know how easy it is.

  • Pine View’s enrollment is down and has been for the last couple of years or so.  The kids and families are choosing to go somewhere else. Word gets around through all those faculty / staff, parents, and students alike that PV is maybe not the best choice anymore. 
  • Bad actors are left in their teaching positions at PV and by ‘bad actors’ I mean teachers who are verbally and emotionally bullying their students, even as young as age 11. The bullying and bad attitudes of teachers, even fairly decent ones, are having a detrimental effect on the morale of students. Teachers are angry and dissatisfied and take it out on students
  • The pure ‘bad actors’ are given a pass – no effort is made to get rid of them.  Dr. Covert explained to me personally that he has no recourse with one teacher. When I called Steve Cantees on the issue, he was ‘sure’ the admin was addressing these problems with staff (no they are not – it’s a long story about how I know this). His other rationale for why the student and parents should put up with teachers as bullies is that ‘everyone knows that PV is very challenging’ – yes, academically but teachers do not have a right to bully and abuse students. His third try at a rationale was that ‘by the time the kids graduate from Pine View, they are sure to go to a great college’ – this is a rationale for teachers being allowed to bully 11 year olds?!! There IS NO RATIONALE or excuse. PV does multiple anti-bullying talks every year to students but maintains an environment that protects teacher-to-student bullying.
    • It may be difficult to get rid of teachers who have been there for a long time but I KNOW they can be largely sidelined. I know a few teachers who should have files an arm long on their abusive behavior but I highly doubt admin is documenting the complaints unless parents insist on it.

Action needed: Develop a strategy to identify, support, and nurture your best teachers and one to get rid of or sideline the teachers who are known bullies or just terrible teachers.  Maybe start by taking student petitions to get rid of certain teachers seriously, listen to their concerns, create a plan for teacher improvement or dismissal. Stop subjecting students to teachers who don’t teach, causing the students to have to teach themselves and ENSURE there is no emotional abuse / bullying going on teacher to student.

This email will likely be VERY upsetting for Dr. Covert and unpopular among his supporters, and I along with it, I’m sure. I just can’t continue to be silent on so many issues of such great importance having to do with my children’s education (and that of hundreds of other kids).  I HAVE reached out to him directly via email a few times over the years and via SAC, and a couple of phone calls but to no avail.  I really care about these kids and I care about faculty and staff satisfaction and there are many other parents who feel the same and would gladly be involved in working toward solutions.  Faculty and students need a place to go on a daily basis where they feel supported and valued.  We need to give the kids their lane, whatever it is and let them run their own races academically, along with a sense that they are in a caring and supportive community, one that understands and responds to their special educational needs.  I can’t imagine how or why anyone else’s agenda should supersede that goal and it is painful to see Dr. Covert and the Board/District completely discount and ignore years of deeply rooted dissatisfaction among PV faculty / staff.

I will say that I expect the Board, the Superintendent, the District, and the Principal of Pine View to do much better.  I would hope you would expect it from yourselves. The election for Board members is coming up and I will do my part to thoughtfully consider who should be at the helm and will encourage all my friends to do the same.  I suspect most people in the school district don’t know the board members or what the board does but they really should because when you have issues with leadership at a school, the board is the next recourse. I’m not sure what it will take to get the board to engage in the ongoing issues at Pine View but I hope it doesn’t have to be that Pine View stops being a national and international draw and enrollment shrinks so dramatically that it can no longer bolster the B rating the other schools would earn for the county without it.




Dual Enrollment Action Needed

Dear Parents and Students,

We need your help. The public comment period is now open for the SCSB and the SCF 2018-19 articulation agreement for dual enrollment. The current proposed agreement will continue to limit Sarasota students.

The window for review will close on April 30.  

Please send your comments to both Lakedra Barber at and your school board members, requesting the following:

Dear school board member,

I support the following modifications to the 2018-19 SCF/SCSB articulation agreement:

  1. Publish/promote the new May 15 dual enrollment deadline immediately so our students have the opportunity to register in time. but remove the words "no exceptions,” as this is arbitrarily limiting. (Page 7)
  2. Delete the additional requirements for students in grades 6-10 which arbitrarily prohibits students who have demonstrated the ability to master advanced courses from participation. (page 20)
  3. Publish the SCF course catalog in advance of DE deadline and high school enrollment so students know what courses that can take.
  4. Provide a clear associates of arts degree pathway flowchart for our dual enrollment students so they can plan the courses they need to take.
  5. Fix the cumbersome course registration process for both middle and high school students choosing to take dual enrollment courses.
  6. Provide a clear policy on counselor responsibilities as it pertains to dual enrollment requirements.
  7. Provide a clear policy on textbook pick up and return procedures as it pertains to dual enrollment requirements.
  8. Eliminate the new SCF Placement Test Retake Policy that limits Sarasota County students from being able to take the SCF Placement Test.  Students should be allowed to take the SCF Placement Test and/or SAT/ACT without limitations. (Page 8)
  9. Allow students to take flex start classes. (Page 21)

Background references:
Link to The Articulation Agreement between Sarasota County School Board & State College of Florida for 2018-2019.

Link to the 2017-18 articulation agreement

How to save up to $42K in college costs, graduate high school with an A.A. Degree (including Pine View High School), and receive automatic admission to a Florida public college or university.*

*Based on 2016-2017 University of Florida tuition, room and board, & miscellaneous costs

*Automatic admission policy

Step 1:  As early as fifth grade, take an “approved test."  Approved tests include the ACT, SAT, and PERT (Florida’s Postsecondary Education Readiness Test). PERT Testing for Early College purposes may be taken only once per term and twice per calendar year. Scores are valid for two consecutive years from the date of the test taken. (Link to placement testing resources).

To be eligible for dual enrollment classes with SCF, you must have the following scores:

Step 2:  Get a current year “A.A. Student Planning Guide." This is a MUST for planning your courses and progression. Then visit your guidance counselor with a parent or guardian as soon as fifth grade (if you have satisfactory exam results) or by January of eighth grade to begin the planning process. It is very important to review plan annually with SCF admissions advisor to be certain no changes have been made on the current year Planning Guide.

Complete the SCF Early College Application for Admission. An application can be obtained from your high school counselor.  Write legibly using blue or black ink. Forms should be submitted in person or via mail to the Admissions office at the Bradenton Campus (5840 26th St. W, Bldg. 1; Bradenton, FL 34207) or the Venice Campus (8000 S. Tamiami Tr., Bldg 100; Venice, FL 34293).

**Remember your SCF ID Number (i.e. G00XXXXXX)**

*Note: A 3.0 GPA and qualifying test scores are required. Detailed admissions requirements are available at

Step 3: Submit placement exam results. Students must submit official college placement scores in reading, writing and mathematics to enroll in college credit courses.

Students can request their SAT scores from the College Board.

Information regarding ACT scores can be found on the ACT website.

SCF’s school code is 001504 and students can use this to ensure scores/transcripts are sent directly to SCF.

If you don't have ACT or SAT scores, schedule a testing appointment to take the PERT at the SCF – Assessment and Testing Center

(Refer back to Step 1)

Step 4: Develop a course progression plan (sample below)

Step 5: Complete and submit the SCF-High School Early College Approval Form. Approval form is available online. Have a parent/guardian complete and submit the Parent/Guardian section of the Approval Form. Meet with your guidance counselor. Review the Approval Form. Have your guidance counselor complete and submit High School section of Approval Form.

**Print and keep a copy of the High School Early College Approval Form for your records!**

Follow procedures for enrolling in dual enrollment and early admission courses each semester.

Most coursework is FREE of cost for the student:

*Dual Enrollment

  1. Fall/Spring: up to 2 courses per semester at SCF
  2. Summer: up to 2 courses per summer

*Early Admission

  1. Fall/Spring: up to 15 hours per semester at SCF

**Important Note- Coursework taken beyond the guidelines listed above must be paid for by the student.

Requirements for A.A. Degree from SCF

  • communications (9+hours)
  • mathematics (6+ hours)
  • social sciences (6+ hours)
  • humanities (6+ hours)
  • natural sciences (6+ hours, lab course recommended)
  • electives (24+ hours)
  • total hours = 60+

++Note: 2 of your general education or elective credits must be considered “Gordon Rule” courses. This means that they include college-level writing assignments.

**Note: 2 of your general education or elective credits must be considered “International-Intercultural” courses.

Step 6:  Attend an early college orientation session. Information to attend an optional orientation session will be sent to your SCF email address upon acceptance into the Early College program. You must login within 7 days after receiving the email, otherwise your password will not work. Orientation videos may be viewed as often you like and parents/legal guardians are also encouraged to view.

Step 7:  If you will be taking courses on an SCF campus, please complete the SCF Early College Course Approval Form. The form can be obtained from your high school counselor.  Should you need to change or update your approved courses, please obtain, complete, and submit an updated Approval Form.

Step 8:  Register for classes. Watch deadlines! Register early! Upon satisfactory completion of the previous steps, registration will be available to you through the SCF Portal. You may register only for courses that have been approved by the high school guidance counselor or liaison. Should you need to change or update your approved courses, please obtain the form via your guidance counselor. Submit all forms via email to (Keep copies for your records.)

Step 9:  Get instructional materials for courses. Public school students will be notified by their guidance counselor of the requirements to obtain textbooks for their approved courses.  Communicate with SCF Bookstore directly. Their phone numbers are: Venice 941.408.1300 and Bradenton 941.752.1010. Follow the rules/procedures for textbook use and return.

Sample Course Progression Plan:

Grade 8:

  • Foreign language I
  • Algebra 1 Honors

Grade 9:

  • Foreign language II
  • Geometry/Honors Algebra 2
  • ENC 1101 (semester 1) DE **Gordon Rule Course
  • ENC 1102 (semester 2) DE **Gordon Rule Course
  • Honors biology
  • Honors world history/AP Human Geography
  • Elective (music, computers, art = Performing Fine Arts)


  • CLEP exam for math/math FLVS
  • HOPE

Grade 10:

  • Foreign language III
  • ENL 2010 and ENL 2022 DE
  • Precalculus/Algebra 2/Precalc/Trig DE
  • Honors chemistry
  • AP world history
  • DE Web-based CGS 1000 (semester 1)
  • DE Web-based ECO 2023 (semester 2)


  • DE Web-based class MUL 2010 Music Appreciation

Grade 11:

  • SPC 1608 Public Speaking DE at SCF (semester 1)
  • THE 2000 Theatre Appreciation DE at SCF (semester 1)
  • *ECO 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics DE at SCF (semester 2)
  • BSC 2010C Fundamentals of Biology I with lab at SCF (semester 2)
  • AP U.S. History AMH 1010 & 1020 DE
  • Elective - Math
  • Elective - Social Studies
  • Elective


  • ACG 2021 at SCF
  • ACG2071 at SCF

Grade 12:

  • Fundamentals of Biology II with lab at SCF (semester 1)
  • STA 2023 Elementary Statistics at SCF (semester 1)
  • INR 2002 International Relations (semester 2)
  • MAC 2233 Applied Calculus (semester 2)
  • Elective POS 1041 DE or AP US Government
  • Elective

Additional Notes:






We beg to differ - evidence Pine View is not a magnet

Sarasota County school board superintendent Lori White explains how Pine View School, established in 1969 as the State of Florida's first full-time gifted school, became a magnet school.

At the April 19, 2016 SCSB meeting, board chair, Shirley Brown indicated Pine View has always been a magnet school. Superintendent Lori White at the same meeting said a parent alerted the district to an error in its magnet designation not being on file with the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE), which in turn prompted the SCSB finance department to correct this "error."

Hmmm. So for 47 years, Pine View was not listed as a magnet, but because a parent inquired about the magnet status, (due to being denied access to FLVS for their student), the finance department switched the school to a magnet school, literally overnight?

We beg to differ.

Pine View, since it's founding in 1969, has most definitely not been a magnet school. Here's the evidence:

Magnet schools generally have course progression and/or curriculum themes such as math, science, technology, performing arts etc, per magnet school language.  Pine View has never had “themes” or curriculum that followed these guidelines.

In the current 2016 US News article ranking Pine View #7 nationally, it specifically states Pine View is NOT a magnet school. Note there is a completely different ranking system for magnet schools, so we don’t know where Pine View would rank. 

The Florida School Choice magnet directory which references Sarasota County magnet schools does not include a reference for Pine View, although it does include references to other Sarasota County magnet schools.

The 2015 Green Ribbon school application for Pine View Elementary School signed on January 9, 2015 by both Pine View principal and Sarasota County Schools superintendent does not check the box classifying Pine View as a magnet school.

SCSCB School Choice website which references district options like charter schools and magnet schools that don't require a school choice application. It goes on to list the district's magnet programs and Pine View is not listed.

Additionally, from this SCSB link, p. 7, discusses the district’s magnet schools. Again, Pine View is not listed.

Given the above, why, would Pine View choose to change to a magnet school? 

As parents and students we ask what are the benefits of magnet status over the current status, and why would this change be made without transparency to all students, families, and the community impacted?

Sign our petition to remove the magnet designation from Pine View School.

Let's send a clear message that we want Pine View and the SCSB to stop limiting and denying choice!

The original purpose and intention of Mr. John Woolever and the initial group who founded Pine View in 1969 was to make it a school to support intellectually gifted students by providing a differentiated curriculum. It was not to make it a magnet school subject to magnet rules and less choices.