**At the 2023 SPIN/Moving up informational session for current 8th graders at Pine View in February, the “2023-2024 PINE VIEW SCHOOL PROGRAM OF STUDIES” that was given to students/parents as well as the “2023-2024 COURSE SELECTION CARD” (a sheet listing all Pine View classes to create a four-year high school plan) contained errors listing English DE courses as available only to 11th & 12th graders at Pine View. These courses are open to all students in grades 6 through 12, who qualify with a 3.5+ GPA and appropriate reading & writing test scores who meet the DE college deadlines. Pine View administrators apologize for this error and the confusion it is certain to have caused students/parents, and they stated they will correct the online version of these documents.
**Schedule changes can be made now, even if forms have been turned in to Guidance personnel. Be certain to make changes before the USF and/or SCF May 1st/15th deadlines!
8th grade: Spanish I (first year of high school foreign language)
Algebra I (high school level math)
*Take ACT/SAT/PERT to get score that will allow Dual Enrollment classes. If score is acceptable, substitute ENC 1101 & ENC 1102 for English I honors in 9th grade and progress toward the A.A. degree sooner.
(To take PERT, fill out the application for DE admission on the SCF website to get an SCF student ID via email. Once SCF G00 ID# is obtained, go to SCF testing website to make an appointment to take the PERT. You are allowed to take the PERT once per semester/twice in a calendar year.)
9th grade: Spanish II (second year of high school foreign language)
Geometry honors
English I honors
Biology I honors
AP Human Geography or AP World History (3 college credits if score of 3, 4, or 5 on AP exam is achieved)
*Take ACT/SAT/PERT to get score that will allow Dual Enrollment classes.
3 college credits earned this school year
10th grade: Spanish III (third year of high school foreign language)
*In April, take CLEP for Spanish 1 & 2 (6 college credits)
Algebra II
*In April, take CLEP for College Algebra (3 college credits)
DE ENC 1101 {fall semester - USF - on PV campus} (3 college credits)
DE ENC 1102 {spring semester - USF - on PV campus} (3 college credits)
Chemistry I honors
AP World History or AP US History (3 college credits if score of 3, 4, or 5 is achieved for World History, *BUT if a score of 4 or 5 is achieved on AP US History AP exam, you earn 6 college credits!)
*Over the summer between 10 & 11th grade, take “HOPE” online via FLVS or complete two seasons of a junior varsity or varsity sport. Fill out necessary paperwork and submit it for credit.
*At this point you will have earned 15+ high school credits (and approximately 21 college credits!) and you can take SCF Dual Enrollment classes online or in person on the SCF campus.
18 college credits earned this school year
11th grade: DE Precalculus - {fall semester - SCF - online or on SCF campus} (3 college credits)
DE Trigonometry - {spring semester - SCF - online or on SCF campus} (3 college credits)
DE Lit 2000 - {fall semester - USF - on PV campus} (3 college credits)
DE Lit 2030 - {spring semester - USF - on PV campus} (3 college credits)
DE Astronomy - {fall semester - USF - on PV campus} (3 college credits)
DE Astronomy - {spring semester - USF - on PV campus} (3 college credits)
AP US History/AP Psychology - (3 college credits if score of 3, 4, or 5 is achieved *BUT if a score of 4 or 5 is achieved on AP US History AP exam, you earn 6 college credits!)
DE Humanities 1020 {fall semester - SCF - online or on SCF campus} (3 college credits)
DE Speech SPC 1608 {spring semester - SCF - online or on SCF campus} (3 college credits)
27 college credits earned this school year (12 college credits from SCF)
12th grade: AP Statistics (3 college credits if score of 3, 4, or 5 is achieved)
AP Government (3 college credits if score of 3, 4, or 5 is achieved)
AP Macroeconomics (3 college credits if score of 3, 4, or 5 is achieved)
DE World Religions 2300 {fall semester - SCF - online or on SCF campus} (3 college credits)
DE BSC 1020/Natural Science class {Spring semester - SCF - online or on SCF campus} (3 college credits)
Band/Orchestra/Art/elective/option of taking nothing
15 college credits earned this year (6 college credits from SCF)
*In order to graduate with an A.A. degree from SCF, at least 25% of the hours of course credit required for the degree must be completed at SCF. Of the 60 credits needed for the A.A. degree, that means at least 15 credits must be earned through SCF.
*You do not need to take any more classes to graduate from Pine View/SCF at this point, and it is FDOE’s rule that a school district cannot make a high school student take a class they do not need for high school graduation. Congratulations!
****See information below for specific hyperlinks (in blue) that will help you find the qualifying scores for ACT/SAT as well as other pertinent information (like the SCF AA Planning Guide hyperlink, which is outdated - they no longer utilize it for planning, but it is very helpful!) you may need as you progress. As always, feel free to send us an email to let us know if you receive any conflicting information or if you need clarification about the process. (This will save you two years of college and at least $42,000 in college expenses.)
Pine View School for the Gifted educates the largest subset of students capable of getting their A.A. degree while still in high school within Sarasota County. While the A.A. degree might not be the best fit for some students (students wanting to attend an out-of-state college/university, students wanting an athletic scholarship, etc.), it is a great option for others (those students wanting to attend a Florida State University System institution, those students wanting to save 2 years’ time and tuition expenses, etc.). Often the facts about obtaining the A.A. degree while still in high school are not well understood within high schools in Sarasota County. For this reason, it is always recommended to get written answers to all questions concerning the process of obtaining the A.A. degree, both from the college (SCF) as well as from the high school. Students do not have to join the SCF Collegiate program to obtain the A.A. degree.
Now more than ever, it is important to understand the business of education: Any variation to the mass production of one-size-fits-all high school students graduating with a high school diploma costs the school district extra money.
You want accommodations like an IEP, 504, or SLP (Speech and Language Pathologist)? That costs the district extra money. You want your child to get their A.A. degree while still in high school? That costs the district extra money. All these extra costs are why most people do not realize the many options and opportunities that are available to high school students before they graduate from high school. Education is a business.
Pathway to Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree from SCF (for Sarasota County public school students):
Take SAT or ACT to determine eligibility. Additionally, to accelerate without taking a course, you may CLEP a course to get college and perhaps high school credit, depending upon the course. See CLEP for available tests. Meet minimum qualifying scores. Here’s placement test results chart.
Satisfy the 18 high school credits (this is new in 2022-2023 school year articulation agreement) requirement - these credits must include at least 2 math courses and 2 English courses, successfully completed prior to the beginning of the term in which the DE course is to be taken.
Examples of HS classes: Foreign language I, II, III, Algebra I, II, Geometry, Pre-Calc/Trig, English I, II, Biology I, Chemistry I, HOPE, Driver’s Education (These can be taken through FLVS, as an option)
Have a minimum unweighted 3.0 cumulative GPA at the time of application.
Meet all Early College published deadlines. (May 15 & December 15)
Obtain written authorization from parent/guardian and high school counselor on the Dual Enrollment Contract.
To remain eligible, maintain a 3.0 (unweighted) GPA and do the following each semester:
Make an appointment with guidance counselor (Lynn Halcomb at Pine View) to obtain DE approval form.
Register as a student with the articulating school (UF, SCF, USF), based on GPA eligibility.
Register for appropriate level online courses based on test scores and prerequisites.
Obtain appropriate dual enrollment textbook order form from Lynn Halcomb and follow directions for submission.
At course completion be sure to follow course textbook return procedures.
Access the SCF AA Planning Guide.
(An updated planning guide such as the link above is no longer available through SCF, but this will give you an idea of the types of courses to take in the necessary categories. Currently when a student enrolls at SCF, they must choose a “General”, “STEM”, or “Business” pathway of college study, and then they choose from the available courses from that pathway list.)
If you need additional assistance, please email us at
Here is the link to the 2021-22 Articulation Agreement between Sarasota County School Board and SCF:
Dual Enrollment is defined as the enrollment of an eligible secondary student in a post-secondary course creditable toward a vocational certificate or an associate or baccalaureate degree.
The articulation agreement with the post-secondary institution defines the rules for enrollment and participation.
Students may earn high school and college credit simultaneously by enrolling in approved Dual Enrollment courses as specified in the articulation agreements between the School Board of Sarasota County and other accredited post- secondary institutions.
Students may take Dual Enrollment courses during school hours, after school hours, and during the summer term as defined by the articulation agreement with the post-secondary institution.
State College of Florida: All students at all Sarasota County high schools who meet eligibility requirements can register for DE courses. No courses are offered on high school campuses. Enrollment requirements for off campus courses and online courses:
• Complete application for admission by deadline dates
• Cumulative 3.0 unweighted GPA minimum
• Obtain the required PERT/ACT/SAT score
University of Florida:– Online: All students at all Sarasota County high schools who meet eligibility requirements can register for DE courses. No courses are offered on high school campuses. Enrollment requirements:
• 3.6 cumulative unweighted GPA
• Minimum PSAT (1130), ACT scores (22) or SAT (1100) scores
University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee: All students at all Sarasota County high schools who meet eligibility requirements can register for DE courses. No courses are offered on high school campuses. Enrollment requirements:
• Grade 11 or 12 status • At least a 3.3 unweighted GPA in social sciences, natural sciences, math, English, and foreign language
• Minimum ACT scores (21 Reading, 21 Math) or SAT (560 Critical Reading, 530 Math) scores
• Submit online application for non-degree seeking student
• Submit approval for DE signed by school administrator
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University School: Offered only at Sarasota High School Enrollment requirements:
• Complete applications for admission (paper and online)
• 2.5 unweighted GPA
• Principal approval
From: Goodwin Jane <>
Subject: Dual Enrollment
To: Redacted
I have not returned your call because I have been getting more info about the matter. This is an unusual issue and I find that we are not going to sign an agreement with (redacted university).
Dual Enrollment was developed by our legislative body to assist students with getting a jump on college for those students with the ability. It was designed for students to attend both schools at the same time. We have an agreement with SCF and are not going to make other arrangements with other schools...especially out of our area. The legislature does not want students to graduate with 30+ hours so two years ago that made it more difficult for school districts by charging us $72 per credit hour plus books and supplies That is a very expensive proposition even with one agreement with a local college. We have been able to work out a better agreement with SCF, but we are offering more AP and ACIS programs at 3 more high schools.
Best regards,
Jane Goodwin
Sarasota County School Board Member
District 5
1960 Landings Boulevard
Sarasota, FL 34231
941.927.9000 ext. 31147
All emails are subject to Florida Sunshine Laws
From: Riedinger Peni To: Cantees Stephen Cc: Meckler Sue
Subject: AA program
Date: Friday, December 02, 2016 1:58:36 PM
Sue and I just met with Lori (White). She said that she agrees with opening the Accelerated Dual Enrollment (AA degree) program to the high schools. Pine View should continue with their dual enrollment (1 or 2 DE courses on the SCF campus per semester) and not have the AA degree program. Those students can always attend their districted high school and enroll in the program.
Peni Riedinger Pupil Support Specialist
Sarasota County School Board 941-927-9000 Fax 941-361-6157
Please be aware that all e-mail to and from Sarasota County Schools is subject to the public records laws of Florida.
From: Riedinger Peni
To: Covert Stephen; Halcomb Lynn Cc: Cantees Stephen
Subject: RE: SCF
Date: Friday, December 02, 2016 11:18:32 AM
Good morning,
Since the legislature put into statute that grades 6-12 can participate in dual enrollment, we placed the rules in our articulation agreement with SCF. If this 6th grader meets the requirements, unless there is some reason to the contrary, she would be approved to take the DE course requested. SCF will approve if the school approves.
Articulation verbiage: “Grade Level exception for Student in the 9th Grade or below: Approval for student in grades 6-9 to dual enroll in a specific SCF course may be made only with the approval of the School Principal and/or Designee and SCF’s Vice President for Academic Affairs and/or designee. Students must qualify by achieving a qualifying score ACT, SAT or PERT in Reading and Writing and Math by the published deadlines. The applicant and parent of the applicant must submit a written request including the reasons for wishing to participate in Dual Enrollment to the school principal and specify the college level course in which the student wishes to enroll.”
Peni Riedinger Pupil Support Specialist Sarasota County School Board 941-927-9000 Fax 941-361-6157
It only took 4 years, but the magnet label is now being used to limit and deny Pine View School students.
Pine View adopts “vision” without real stakeholder input.
How many hurdles do you have to jump to take a DE course in Florida?
Hint: It depends on what county you live in…
Roadmap to getting the best school experience for you.
This site is dedicated to helping students and parents navigate the bureaucracy of the Sarasota County school system and getting an individualized education suited for their unique needs. The system is designed to make everyone the same, but as we know, students are very unique. These pages are to help you get the best courses to meet your individual education goals.
Dual Enrollment
Are you in grades 6 - 12?
Is your cumulative unweighted GPA 3.3+?
Are your (Reading/Writing/Math) PERT scores 150+/440+/560+, or your SAT scores 24+/24+/29+, or your ACT scores 19+/17+/23+ within the past two years? Do you have 5 high school course credits?
If so, then you are eligible to take Dual Enrollment classes!
Sign up for our emails!
Don’t fall for scare tactics
The following email from a guidance counselor and a parent’s follow up comments show tips on how to get the courses you want.
Register for UF Online
If you are a junior or senior and have a 3.6+ GPA, you are eligible to take UF dual enrollment courses online. Fall 2019 deadline is May 5, 2019.