Dual Enrollment
Below is information to help you pursue college coursework while in high school. Sarasota County has offerings with USF-Sarasota/Manatee, University of Florida online, and State College of Florida.
Fall application closes 5/1!
UF dual enrollment (link)
Fall 2022 application is now open. Fall application cycle will close on May 1, 2022.
One of their team members will be in contact with you once they have verified eligibility with your school counselor.
Use this guide to check off what steps you have completed to ensure your enrollment into UF courses! All of these steps will be sent to you in a series of emails as you complete the requirements.
Date Completed:
_______1. Apply on UF website after discussing your interest with your counselor (they are a vital role in the process!) We will email your counselor after receiving your application to verify eligibility and determine admittance into the program.
_______2. If approved, complete the online registration via the link sent to your email.
_______3. Read, sign, and return Parent Agreement (this email contains both steps 3 and 4 listed here. Please be sure to complete both accordingly and date this checklist!)
_______4. Create your Gatorlink Account (part of the same email above)
_______5. Advising & confirming your course selection (instructions are emailed to you with your options, including booking a one-on-one phone advising session with one of our dual enrollment coordinators!)
_______6. Clear the Registration Prep hold on your One. UFL account so that we can register you as indicated in the final email with Step 6 instructions.
Questions? Email or call our office for help or to check on your application and registration status!
If you are an Alachua County student attending a public high school, please visit http://dualenrollment.dce.ufl.edu/alachua/ for additional paperwork needed by your school.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email dual-enrollment@dce.ufl.edu or call at 352-273-4155.
SCF Dual Enrollment - Registration Deadline is May 15, 2022
SCF Dual Enrollment
Step 1: Complete Dual Enrollment Application
Complete the SCF Early College Application for Admission form. After the application is complete and reviewed a student will receive a letter of Welcome with SCF credentials and G#. (New Students Only)
Step 2: Submit placement testing results
Students must submit official college placement scores in Reading, Writing and Mathematics to enroll in college credit courses. Approved tests include the ACT, SAT, and PERT (Florida’s Postsecondary Education Readiness Test). Scores may not be more than 24 months old. PERT Testing for Early College purposes may be taken only once per term and twice per calendar year.
Students may request their SAT scores from the College Board: https://www.collegeboard.org/https://student.collegeboard.org/
Information regarding ACT scores can be found on the ACT website: http://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/your-scores/send-your-scores.html
SCF’s school code for ACT is 0741 and SAT is 5427. Students can use this to ensure scores/transcripts are sent directly to SCF.
Students who do not have ACT, SAT or PERT scores, may schedule a testing appointment for the PERT at SCF- Assessment & Testing Center.
Step 3: Complete Dual Enrollment Contract
Dual Enrollment Contract (Manatee County and Sarasota County)
Dual Enrollment Contract (Lemon Bay High School)
Step 4: Complete Online Orientation
Students will receive an email to their SCF email address with a link to the online orientation. Orientation is required for new students only.
Step 5: Register for classes
Upon satisfactory completion of the previous steps, registration will be available to you through the MYSCF portal. You may register only for courses that have been approved.
For information on degree pathways that apply to your interests, please see the Early College Resources Page.
Step 6: Get instructional materials for courses
Public school students will be notified by their High School Counselor of the requirements to obtain textbooks for their approved courses.
A.) Visit http://my.sarasotacountyschools.net
B.) Log in using your N# and Password (PIN number)
C.) Click on the “Productivity” link at the bottom of the page
D.) Click on the “Dual Enrollment Request for Textbooks” tile
E.) Read and complete the form in its entirety
USF-SM Dual Enrollment - Registration Deadline is June 30, 2022
Apply at usfsm.edu
Application Steps
1. View the application submission deadlines to make sure you apply before the deadline.
2. Submit an application at the link above. The application takes about 30 minutes to complete and is used for Freshman, Transfer and Graduate Admissions. You may also save your progress and return to the application at any time in the future.
3. Once you have filled out your personal information and citizenship information, you’ll be asked about your academic interest. Here is where you’ll want to select which semester you are applying for and which campus you’d like to attend (USF Sarasota-Manatee). You can also declare a program of choice if you already know which program you want to begin.
4. At the end of your application, you’ll need to pay the non-refundable $30 (USD) application fee by credit card (Discover, Visa, MasterCard) or E-check.
5. Submit the required materials listed on the Admissions Information pages in the links above.
6. Complete and submit the mandatory Student Immunization and Medical History form.
7. Sign in to OASIS to monitor your admissions status online.
8. Once accepted, you should take a look at our scholarships and financial aid. There are hundreds of scholarships available to USFSM students.
Take actual college courses while in high school
Unlike AP classes, DE classes are actual college classes where a student earns college credit upon successful completion of the course. If a student is going to a Florida college or university, DE classes are a good option as the college credits are automatically accepted on their transcript. In fact, with early planning, students can earn their associates degree while in high school and save approximately $42,000 in Florida college tuition.
Dual Enrollment (DE) = AICE (Advanced International Certificate of Education) = IB (International Baccalaureate) = AP (Advanced Placement)
*DE classes require a grade of C or better for college credit, but DO NOT require a certain score on an exam to receive college credit.
Pathway to Associates degree
Satisfy the 10 high school credit requirement
Take SAT/ACT or PERT to determine eligibility. Additionally, to accelerate without taking a course, you may CLEP a course to get college and high school credit. See CLEP for available tests.
Meet minimum qualifying scores & GPA. Here’s placement test results chart.
Make appointment with guidance counselor to obtain DE approval form
Register as a student with the articulating school (UF, SCF, USF), based on GPA eligibility.
Register for appropriate level online courses based on test scores.
Obtain appropriate dual enrollment textbook form from Lynn Halcomb and follow directions for submission.
At course completion be sure to follow course textbook return procedures.
If you need additional assistance, please email us at info@pineviewschool.com.
dual enrollment At Pine View
With their associates degree, students who will be going to in-state colleges are able to enroll in junior level courses saving thousands in tuition as well as time. Plan your path to Florida colleges is an excellent resource for students who are going to Florida colleges and universities.
As you plan your student's custom path to a Florida college, this dual enrollment high school course equivalency list will be helpful.