Fall 2019 deadline is 6/20
We are thrilled to learn that USF’s dual enrollment program with Sarasota County is a win for students. Here are the details:
The new agreement:
Removes the requirement for specific high school courses.
Removes the requirement for a specific number of particular high school courses (i.e. 2 English, 2 mathematics, 1 Science with lab)
Points students to the “Counseling for Future Education Handbook” which is a document published annually by DOE to identify the courses that will be accepted by State University admission. Students will still need to have at least one high school course in mathematics, English, social studies, science, or a foreign language to establish a GPA.
Adds language that gives the University coordinator the ability to waive requirements if other “satisfactory documentation of college readiness” exists or if a student has “demonstrated ability to master advanced courses.”
Deadline for application has been extended to June 20.
We feel this is a terrific, student friendly agreement that will benefit those students who are college ready. Thanks to USF for following the spirit of the dual enrollment statute and for making college accessible to eligible students.